Art and International Justice Initiative
Art and International Justice Initiative


This web page will serve as an open access repository of academic publications, unpublished papers, and blog entries dedicated to the subject-matter of the Initiative. Here you learn how your work can become linked to from this page.
Mark Drumbl and Caroline Fournet: The Visualities and Aesthetics of Prosecuting Aged Defendants, 22 International Criminal Law Review 1 (2022)
Randle C. DeFalco: Invisible Atrocities The Aesthetic Biases of International Criminal Justice, 1. Cambridge University Press (2022)
Emily Kidd White: Images of Reach, Range, and Recognition: Thinking about emotions in the study of international law, Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Law and Emotion by Susan A. Bandes et al eds. (2021)
Fiana Gantheret, Nolwenn Guibert and Sofia Stolk (eds): Art and Human Rights: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues, Edward Elgar (2023).
Julien Seroussi and Franck Leibovici: Can Art Change Legal Practice? A Case Before the International Criminal Court, TOAEP Policy Brief Series No. 126 (2021).
Oren Ben Dor (eds): Law and Art: Justice, Ethics and Aesthetics, Routledge (2011).
Christine Schwöbel-Patel: Marketing Global Justice The Political Economy of International Criminal Law, Cambridge University Press (2021).
Miriam Bak McKenna: Designing for international law: The architecture of international organizations 1922-1952, Leiden Journal of International Law, pp. 1-22 (2020).
Valentin Jeutner: [L]ex Machina - Unlikely Encounters of International Law and Technology, Media-Tryck, Lund University (2020).
Marina Aksenova and Amber N. Rieff: Setting the scene: The use of art to promote reconciliation in international criminal justice, Leiden Journal of International Law, 33(2), pp. 495-516 (2020).
Sofia Stolk and Renske Vos: International legal sightseeing, Leiden Journal of International Law, Leiden Journal of International Law, 33(1), pp. 1-11 (2019).
Erez Roman: The Journey of Cultural Heritage Protection as a Common Goal for HumanKind: Rosenberg to Al-Mahdi, Groningen Journal of International Law vol 7(1), Open Issue, pp. 112-123 (2019)
Sherin Shefik: Reimagining Transitional Justice through Participatory Art, International Journal of Transitional Justice, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 314–333 (July 2018)
Rachel Kerr: 'The Art of Reconciliation', FICHL Policy Brief Series No. 78 (2017), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels (2017)
Steven Hoogstraten, Nico Schrijver, Otto Spijkers and Anneleen Jong: The Art of Making Peace Lessons Learned from Peace Treaties, Brill (2017)
Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Martha Merrill Umphrey: Law and Performance, University of Massachusetts Press (2018)
Aoife Duffy: Bearing Witness to Atrocity Crimes: Photography and International Law, Human Rights Quarterly, Volume 40, Number 4 (November 2018)