Art and International Justice Initiative
Art and International Justice Initiative

Seeds of Genocide

'Seeds of Genocide' is a pilot project that aims to give visual representation to the dangers of the genocidal ideology. The drawing in the logo on top of the page represents the idea of the 'seeds of genocide'. It shows life as a garden where all humans are flowers. Each flower is different or unique, but its roots are tightly intertwined with those of other flowers. This connection happens underground and is thus hidden from plain view. The tension occurs when one flower starts seeing the other flower as a 'weed' rather than a different flower. The virus of genocide is exactly the idea of 'othering' flowers as weeds to be removed. It has capacity to destroy all flowers for it defies universal connectedness of all flowers – or human beings. The power of symbolism allows us to stress the gradual process of alienating and dehumanizing others. It appeals to our senses as well as to our analytical mind.