Art and International Justice Initiative
Art and International Justice Initiative

Symbolic Expression at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslvia

The ruins of the ancient library destroyed during the siege of Sarajevo.
© Photo courtesy of Livio Senigalliesi
' Symbolic Expression at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslvia (ICTY)' is another project supported by the Initiative. The inspiration for this project came from examining the materials held by the OSA Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives in Budapest. These records map the creation of the ex-Yugoslavia Tribunal and clearly mark the moment of its conception as the time of universal consensus to act to condemn universal evil. The lens of symbolism proved useful to study the legacy of the ICTY, using the method of artistic expression. A project workshop incorporating an artistic performance was held on 23 February 2017 at the Institute of the Advanced Studies at the Central European University. A lecture by the Director of the Initiative explaining the nature of symbolic expression at the ICTY is available here.